Having beat the PC version, I picked it up for PS2 hoping for tighter controls and a different playing experience. Man was I wrong. This game is almost unplayable after beating the near perfect PC version.
First off the lighting is way overdone. I have tried and tried to play with not only the games brightness and contrast, but also tried to adjust them on my tv. No luck. Lara looks like shes glowing with radioactivity almost all the time. The game is very muddy and blurry. I'm not a fan of the depth of field option, and turned it off on the PC. I found this fixed the "glowing" problem. No such option here, you have to deal with it.
One of the big reasons I got it for PS2 was for the rumble feature. But on the PS2 it just feels like an after thought. There is no vibration when she fires her guns, no vibration when the TREX comes stomping round the corner (both were previously said to happen in other posts B.S.) It only happens randomly, and in no way adds to the experience.
Also, is it just me or is this version way buggier then the PC. Lara seems to have trouble while actually raiding. Many a time I have fallen to my death simply because Lara didnt automatically grap a ledge in plain site. The same with when i run off a cliff, she should automatically grab it by turning around. I have also experienced alot of "floating". This happens when you jump for a ledge etc. and lara just raises her arms, as if in mid jump, and slowly floats in a direction for a little while.
If you have a PC that can handle TRA, stay away from the PS2 version. This was the first TR I played on a PC first, wish I had known how much better the experience was in the past.
But dont' get me wrong, if your only option is for the PS2, it's still a good game. The PC version just outshines it by a mile. And it's a steal at $30.
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