
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Full Tomb Raider Anniversary Soundtrack

I've always loved the musical score of the Tomb Raider series, especially the first game. One of the cool thins about the PS1 games was that you could put them in any CD audio player and listen to the entire soundtrack. Today I found a link for the Tomb Raider Anniversary sountrack. Click here to get it while it lasts!


Mad Tracks for XBLA

Growing up, one of my favorite types of games were the ones where you could become really tiny, and explore everyday objects while you were the size of a bug. Spot for the Sega Genesis was one of those games. I also always wondered what it would be like to shrink down and drive one of my Matchbox cars around the house. Well now Xbox Live Aracade has a game that can let me do just that. Check out info on the new game Mad Tracks.


Tetris Shelves

I have GOT to get me a set of these!

More info here.


Wii Browser Art

Saying this Wii user has too much time is an understatement.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Actraiser Now Available For Wii Virtual Console!

This chaps my ass because I just bought it off of Ebay last month! If you have never played this awesome SNES game, I highly suggest you get it NOW! Kid Chamelon and another crappy unknown Turbo Graphx 16 game released as well. More info here.


New Transformers TV Spot With New Footage

Tons of new Bumblebee footage, shame its crappy quality!


Google in 20 Years

With technology advancing the way it is, and Google being the juggernaut that it is, I can totally see this happening. CLICKEE HERE


Monday, May 28, 2007

Make Your Tomb Raider Anniversary Demo Twice As Long!

A gamer over at the official Eidos forums created a "trainer" file that opens up new areas in the TRA Demo! All you have to do is download THIS FILE then unzip it. (As always do this at your own risk, I found no problems with it though) Follow these instructions which are in the Read Me file included with the "trainer" program:

1. Execute trademoexp2.exe and then TR:A demo.
2. When you get to the checkpoint just before raptors, press Ctrl+1, then Ctrl+2 and Ctrl+3.
3. Get the cog and go back to the machine. If you fall down on your way back, go to point 2 ;)

You can try using Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 and Ctrl+3 in other locations, but it will probably result in Lara dying.

You are using this trainer at your own risk!

If you're a little confused like I was about all this, go here and scroll down a little bit to find a tutorial on how to do this. Trust me it's worth it! This trick allows you to play the entire Lost Valley level, including getting the third and last)cog. And is it ever awesome! I can't tell you how cool it is to play the level I remember from the original game, only 10x better! You'll explore the buildings surrounding the Lost Valley, and find all kinds of cool things (like huge Dinosaur nests!).

You'll even be able to access the gated area under the waterfall current that you opened with that switch at the beginning of the level. Inside you'll find this awesome relic!

So what are you waiting for, download the trainer file, and play some more TRA! If you have any questions leave a comment and I'll answer it.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tomb Raider Screenshot Thread at Eidos Forums

I stumbled upon a thread at the Eidos forums asking for screenshots form the members. I took one that I think wins hands down for best dramatic shot...what do you all think? (sorry for the amount of TRA topics but I love this game!)
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us


Tomb Raider Demo Available, TRA Site Updated!

Click here to view the latest info from the official site. They added 12 new screenshots, 1 new wallpaper, 1 enemy render, 1 vignette video and the fourth dev diary. They added a little info to the Atalantis level as well.

As for the demo, it is now available for download. The moment I started I fell in love with the game. The nostalgic detail is astonishing. For those who remember the Lost Valley level from the original, this demo will instantly bring back memories. In the demo you have to collect the cogs from the original, only it is much more complicated. The whole gear/waterfall system from the original has been totally revamped, and is amazing to look at.

One of my favorite parts from the orginal Tomb Raider is when you find the Dead Explorer just before you enter the Lost Vally. He's the skeleton that you get a small medipack off of. In Anniversary he is hidden though, can you find him? View the pic below to see him. I wonder why there is no skull?
Download the PC demo by clicking here.

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The dead explorer returns!


More Foreign Transformers Posters

The latest Transformers from overseas have been posted online. These three feature extreme close-ups of the faces of Prime, Megatron, and Bumblebee. Check 'em out here!


Friday, May 25, 2007

11 Worst Trends in Gaming

I have never seen a list that I agree with on everything... until now. This gamepro article nails almost every problem I have with today's games. I know this because I have bitched at least once about every one of the topics on this list.

Link Marionette

The newspaper I work for recently ran a small publication featuring art and projects created by students from the area. I found this particular project interesting. The artist did a great job creating a puppet of The Legend of Zelda's Link.
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Tomb Raider Anniversary Demo Out Today

A playable demo from the PC version will be released sometime today. The demo features a section from the Peru level.
Check back here later for an update. When its released, you will be able to grab the demo here.

Another Star Wars Prequel?

There's a rumor going around that George Lucas is going to announce a new theatrical Star Wars film tomorrow (the 30th Anniversary of the series). It will supposedly take place before the prequels. I'm looking forward to not only more and more DVDs, but Jar Jar in diapers!
Click the little brat for more info.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Teaser Trailer

I love Jerry Bruckheimer produced movies, and the original National Treasure was no exception. So you can understand how I'm eagerly anticipating this flick!
Click here to view the teaser.

God of War II: 480p vs. 1080p

Wow! What a difference!
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Tomb Raider Anniversary: Developer Diary 4

Just released, this is part 4 in the series from Crystal Dynamics and Eidos. Find out how the developers do their best to re-create the beautiful levels and unique atmosphere from the original game.

The Art of Tomb Raider Anniversary

10 Years of Tomb Raider: Gametap Retrospective Updated Today

Gametap's awesome retrospective on the making of the Tomb Raider series was updated today with 3 new episodes.
Episode 2: Not just a video, Episode 3: Buried Alive, and Episode 4: Reanimation can all be viewed now by clicking HERE.

Holy Bajesus! An early sketch idea of Lara that was thankfully never used.

New Assassin's Creed Trailer

The first new trailer in months has finally been released. I don't care what anyone says, this is the first true Next Gen game. Just WOW.

Tomb Raider Anniversary: Enter the Tyrant Trailer

The eighth mini trailer released for TRA features one of the most unforgettable moments in video game history; the arrival of the T-Rex in the lost valley!

First Foreign Transformers Poster

The first foreign poster from the Transformers movie has been released. Seems the poster is Taiwanese, and kicks ass! Click the thumbnail for a much larger view.
Kick ass!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

VGDC Pipeline's First Update

Well I finally got with it and set up a news blog for VGDC. I find it painful to have to go and search tons of sites just to find the news I feel is most important to me. So for all the viewers on VGDC, I give you the VGDC Pipeline: a one stop resource for all that matters in the gaming and entertainment world. Bear with me, as this might start off a little rough around the edges. I'll soon be posting the most unique stuff I round around the net, and you won't have to look much further to find the news that matters most!

Thanks for visiting VGDC for all these years!